Hotel California (加州旅馆) 是一首很经典的英文歌曲(Eagles老鹰乐队成名曲),特意推荐给大家听听。百听不厌,而且你会发现自己越来越喜欢这首歌了。
On a dark desert highway cool wind in my hair Warm smell of colitas rising up through the air Up ahead in the distance I saw a shimmering light My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim I had to stop for the night There she stood in the doorway; I heard the mission bell And I was thinking to myself 'This could be Heaven or this could be Hell' Then she lit up a candle and she showed me the way There were voices down the corridor, I thought I heard them say... Welcome to the Hotel California Such a lovely place Such a lovely face Plenty of room at the Hotel California Any time of year, you can find it here. 月黑大漠路迢迢,风高凛冽客思归, 人倦眼乏昏欲睡,闻香忽见灯火碎, 但见有女娉婷立,耳畔钟声如乐起, 天堂地狱两相忘,浑然不似在人间, 秉烛引路过画廊,人声嘈杂迎客至: 加州客栈诚待客,虚位以侯游子回。
Her mind is Tiffany- twisted, she got the Mercedes bends She got a lot of pretty, pretty boys, that she calls friends How they dance in the courtyard, sweet summer sweat. Some dance to remember, some dance to forget So I called up the Captain, 'Please bring me my wine' He said,'We haven't had that spirit here since nineteen sixty nine' And still those voices are calling from far away, Wake you up in the middle of the night Just to hear them say... Welcome to the Hotel California Such a lovely place Such a lovely face They livin' it up at the Hotel California What a nice surprise, bring your alibis
衣香鬓影佳人意,玉郎终始为君来, 放歌纵舞前廊院,香汗淋漓未尽欢: 纵使笙歌能醉月,情未忘我怎忘情? 便向校官索美酒,经年未备意阑珊, 午夜梦回旧馆舍,声声呼唤充耳闻, 倦鸟羁留深林久,此间乐哉不思飞,
Mirrors on the ceiling, The pink champagne on ice And she said 'We are all just prisoners here, of our own device' And in the master's chambers, They gathered for the feast The stab it with their steely knives, But they just can't kill the beast Last thing I remember, I was Running for the door I had to find the passage back To the place I was before 'Relax,'said the night man, We are programmed to receive. You can checkout any time you like, but you can never leave
宝镜倒映烛影晃,寒冰装点酒色红, 宾客齐至成盛筵,佳人美酒俱添光, 轻启朱唇惊四座,投杯停箸不能食: 钢刀银叉手中持,心魔犹在不能消, 自我羁押成囚徒,吾辈颓然尚不知。 闻言仓皇寻旧路,四顾茫茫无着处, 明朝更向何处去?更者悠然言少歇: 纵然我辈长别离,此生有命不能弃, 前路漫漫归旧旅,生此回环无尽时。
Hotel California (加州旅馆) 之迷 加州旅馆到底是指什么?它在哪里?有的人认为歌曲中的加州旅馆是确实存在的,而这之中还有旅馆、戒毒所、 精神病院三种说法。 认为确实存在这个旅馆的人,在南加州的托多斯桑 (TodosSantos) 这个小镇算是找到他们需要的一切。小镇在南加州高速公路的沙漠旁边,在小镇内有一座类似唱片封面的旅馆,在旅馆的不远处是会半夜传来钟声的教堂,而这旅馆在以前正是有暗地的色情交易。 旅馆的主人号称这正是歌曲中的“加州旅馆”,不过小镇历史上,旅馆的改名是在歌曲已经流行后的八十年代才发生的。在九十年代后期,数篇报章开始登载这个正宗“加州旅馆”的故事,最后终于引来了歌曲创作者Don Henley在二○○○年的正式否认:老鹰乐队的成员从未到过此地。 歌曲本身的数次对毒品的暗示,是加州旅馆原是戒毒所说法的来源。按此说法:加州旅馆是在南加州公路旁的一个自愿戒毒院,老鹰队员曾经吸毒与入院的经历是歌词的创作来源。 歌词在一开始colitas的暗示,头感到发重是吸大麻烟的特征。“lit candle”是一个吸毒的常用语,在后院跳舞更是吸毒后失控发作的一个现象。 这种自愿戒毒院是主要为中产阶层开的,介于疗养院与戒毒所之间,而淫乱现象更是七十年代中产阶层放荡后的一种常态。毒品的瘾性使得你可以在某段时 间痊愈而离开戒毒院,不过却永远无法摆脱那重蹈旧轨的阴影,这正是“你可以一时结账,却永远无法离开”的写照。 歌词的诡异可能是精神病院说法的来源。歌词中与之相关联的暗示有:不断有远处声音的幻听想象;天堂和地狱指精神病人中某些如恶魔的邪恶人性和如天使纯洁无知觉;在后院里病人如着魔般的跳舞;头脑思想扭曲正是精神病的直语;自己思想的囚犯也是暗语;想杀死恶魔却总杀不死的精神病幻觉。当然精神病也和毒品一样,你可以觉得你暂时是正常了,却无法保证将来是正常的,永远无法离开那阴影。 七十年代曾经是电影界恐怖片流行的时候,而这歌词正勾出这样的故事框架。边远沙漠大路上的孤独一人,大门前掌烛的丽人,酒吧的神秘领班,后院的召魔舞蹈,意图杀死却总杀不死的恶魔,即使结束却总有人来在背后提醒还有续集的结尾。这些种种,使得歌词有一种鬼影森森的感觉,而在恐怖片中,精神病院更常是主要的背景场所了。